Male (gender)
5:10 (height)
Heavy (build)
Brown (Hair)
Brown (Eyes)
Ben studied Performing Arts in school and Sixth Form. Also, media studies in collage where he produced his own short film rewarding him with a distinction grade.
He realised his true passion for film and acting after memorable cinema trips as a child with his father. After Collage and sixth form Ben continues his entertainment passion through video game live streams and videos on Twitch and YouTube, allowing him to utilise some of his creative ideas. Video games are a huge inspiration for Ben as they've been a big part of his life. Many people are saying that storytelling form is leaning more to video games of late which share incredible stories while being interactive,
Ben sees these as inspiration not only for acting performances but certain cinematography(shots) to use in films and tv like the recent HBO 'The Last Of Us', 'Uncharted' 'Gran Tursimo' and many more.
Ben has now began working with award-winning Film Director Paul J Lane at The Film Actors Academy to hone his skills in preparation for his reveal to the acting world.
License & Passport
Passport: Yes
Full House Paul J Lane